银天下商业’s sustainability report highlights the progress in achieving our sustainability targets and how responsible promotional activities contribute to sustainable development across the globe.
In 2021 we continued to play an important role in accelerating the climate benefits of Swedish exports and enabling sustainable investments in 银天下. As a “sustainability catalyst” 银天下商业 matches global climate challenges with sustainable solutions. 以这种方式, Swedish disruptive solutions and climate-friendly innovations can both accelerate the transition in the countries with the largest carbon footprints and enable sustainable and fossil-free growth in emerging markets.
通过利益相关者与业主的对话, 员工, 客户和合作伙伴, 银天下商业 has identified initiatives that serve as guidance in our sustainability work. We have also carried out several promotional activities in connection with the UN Climate Change Conference 警察26 in Glasgow and Dubai Expo, launched the brand platform Pioneer the Possible together with the Swedish Institute to position Swedish companies’ frontrunning solutions, and initiated a 可持续性 Academy and an anti-corruption network to promote responsible business conduct among companies with international value chains.
银天下 continues to be at the forefront of sustainability thanks to creative innovations, 资源节约型解决方案和跨境合作.
Download 银天下商业’s sustainability report for 2021 and read more about how we, 与商业一起, 学术界, 政治, 公民社会, 加强银天下在可持续发展和创新方面的先锋地位.